All right guys. We have a very, very special episode today. I'm always excited to have this guy on. This has been the third time. He's been on the podcast. I think the only other person that's done that is maybe Trump and Dana. Wow. So Tate's, one of the biggest supporters of the Folsom podcast. We had you on pretty early but we're glad to have you back and root 8.
Thank you, sir. Yeah, the first one was Croatia. I remember that got me to bunch of trouble, then it was double, I did. I, yeah, I know, I, what did I say in Croatia? I said something about why men prefer younger women, because they've been
I'm fucked less than older women.
And the feminists had a
mental breakdown. I think that was the exact reason I lost Instagram, to be honest with you. Real that podcast. Yeah. Fuck this. Let's do it again. Yeah, nothing left to lose. Yeah, you're nothing. They've taken my freedom. They tried to take my money. Of course it couldn't find it all. Been taking all my platforms, they took everything from me, so I have nothing left to lose. So let's do round 3. That's the first
podcast. I feel like that was that was that at? Like I don't want to see your Peak, but was that when things were like really getting fucking crazy for us
Analyze This to answer that.
Question professionally, we need to analyze. Exactly how Fame works on. A lot of the fame in the world. Today is gate kept, right? So, if you join a sports team, your gatekeeper is your manager or your team. If you talk out of line or say things you're not supposed to say, you're off the team, if you're in Hollywood, you have a manager. If you talk or say things, you know, supposed to say, you can't be in movies anymore, you lose your manager, and then the other Gatekeepers other social media platforms. If you're on YouTube saying things you're not supposed to say, you know, when they deleted you would Trump, when you interviewed Trump, they delete your Channel with the delete you. So,
Your gait kept, I managed to get extremely famous without really having a gatekeeper. And for that reason I was literally everywhere back then. And their goal to gate. Keep me was to delete me from all of the social media platforms, which they did. But that didn't work because people continue to share my content because you weren't going viral
on your own Pages. You were, but you were going, you invented clipping well, pretty much. I guess you started the clipping era,
II knew how to say things that people wanted to discuss, which served me very well in the algorithms and anybody who
Views on their page, could put up a video of me and get views. And on top of that, I wasn't copywriting. Anyone. I wasn't chasing the money off anyone. I didn't care. So there were people taking clips of me. Putting them up making arguments happen. Getting paid off the views. Getting paid off the ad rev. I didn't take a penny of iron in here and realize
that. Yeah, Pack Mail, all my things that I forgot you invented. The clipping are pretty much people saw you and they saw you getting clipped up, including us, like everyone saw it. And they're like, yo, this is a new way to go viral and now Clips are
Everything out. But now
it's everything but there's a double-edged sword because a lot of the things people
think bad about me are from
out of context, small Clips which are deliberately designed to be as abrasive and offensive as possible because it gets the most
engagement. So some random kid in Peru can make money off AdSense and I didn't even see the
money so it goes both ways. But yes back then was before the social media algorithms were actively trying to suppress my influence so that perhaps was the peak of seeing and Route a everywhere. I like to believe you still see me everywhere, it's just changed it. No longer you.
Tube in Croatia without boys. It's on BBC getting dragon and jail, but I'm still everywhere.
I remember the transition though, because I think the first thing I ever saw with the use, when you sat down with that, like light-skinned British, girl, and like the barbed end up TV. I think so, I don't know what it's called, but it's fucking hilarious. I saw that. And it was funny, but I think on your on our podcast and like around that era, you would start to sprinkle in like his back. Then you're only talking about girls and kind of funny stuff and then I would watch and I would notice and you started to like
Sprinkle and shit about how the world was working and Corruption and like there was a little sprinkle of that on our podcast like the education system or just. Yep then you kind of switched into that and you you went away from the females and you started talking about just how the world works and that
got me in a lot of trouble. It seems. I should have just carried on clowning on women. I should have just carried on saying women can't drive and maybe I wouldn't have ever had to go to jail but it seems I did shift to the important subjects after a while and I say this often on nearly every single podcast. It's important people.
To stand it that your ability to speak freely is directly correlated to your insignificant. There's no such thing as free speech, anywhere on the planet, including America nowhere. Truthfully, can you speak freely? There are always subjects and things. You cannot say, and if you touch on those subjects, it's fine. Unless people listen to, you, can touch all the subjects in your living room with your friend, when no one's paying attention, but if you have a large audience, it becomes very, very different. So yeah, it seems like I flew too close to the Sun just before my arrest, when I was in Dubai after we did our podcast, I said to
Justin, you know, we have to be very careful. This is the Icarus story. We're doing very well here, and we're everywhere, and everyone knows who we are, and we're making huge sums of money. And there's too many beautiful women by our pool. And our house is so big, and we have so many Bugattis. Everything seems too perfect. This is to Icarus story. Something's going to go wrong and then we all know the rest.
All right guys we got a crazy pod with Andrew Tate. This guy absolutely snapped before we get into it. If you have not tried out the prize pics app, you got to download it right now. You guys know me. I've tried every single app when it comes to firing on Sports prize.
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Like, you could you and Tristan are like Batman like, you know, he's like, did you ever think that would
happen? Well, the reason it happens is because so many people can't help but disliked me write it takes hot and cold air to create a tornado. It's not the fact that I have a lot of people who, like, hearing what I say that alone are not, it's not enough to get the Fanfare, my brother and I get, it's that there's a contingent of the population which are just settled on the idea that were the worst men in the world, and that were dangerous. And that were terrible. So, you have these two polarizing teams, these two camps, it takes light, and
Architects Hall and cold. Like I said earlier, about the reason my Clips went so viral, some people would say he's 100%, right? Some people would say 100% wrong. So I think I'm very good at saying things in a way, which is as polarizing as possible, which puts me in this position. So yeah, my influence is based on the back of the fact that people like what I say. But it's also based on the back of the fact, there's a lot of people who
cannot stand me when you were coming up the, like, you obviously, obviously wanted to be successful. But did you think, did you like see this level of
success and it will see anyone else saying things that I knew to be true.
I would look at things ago, well, that's not true but nobody else seemed to want to say it. Probably because of what we discussed earlier about your ability to speak for released directly correlated, I got myself in trouble for what I did. So now I realize why I mean I always do why I kept saying before I went to jail that they're going to lock me up after the cancellation. I knew they were going to try and put me in jail. That was very obvious to me but uh I don't think I could sit here and try and sound like a genius. But I remember saying in our initial podcast, it was a three-stage plan and Stage.
Each one was to keep talking in a way that got me, garnered me, lots of attention and then to get cancelled on purpose and then to move people from platforms which were not Matrix control, that was the whole plan. The plan was, I'm going to go on these podcasts. I'm going to say things that everybody knows to be true. I'm going to Garner a whole bunch of attention eventually. They're going to try and shut me down in silence. Me, I'm going to move everybody over to Alternative platforms and then the rest of it kind of all played out with fate. I guess that we move people over to rumble and, obviously, Elon ball X. I know control of Elam buying X, but I'm very glad he did. I'm
People over to rumble, which is a fantastic platform. You can tell the truth and then Trump won, thank the Lord Trump won. So we're kind of here because if things were different only a few months ago, at that election, I have a strong suspicion. I would be in a jail right now and so would Trump. So with you, that everybody would you they just lock up everyone at that point. So it worked out well in the end. Yeah,
so has it like being back in Miami. We went, we went out the other night. We went to dinner. Yeah. What would you think of it? You missed like you've been stuck in
Nia for what? How long were yours? Three years. Long time. Like, was it nice like seeing some Miami chicks. Are like, what
is nice, is actually nice. Hearing like American words around you. Some nice hearing English. It's nice here in American accents. It's kind of reassuring to Know that heaven forbid. If something happens to me here and I go to court, I can
at least talk English. What do you think of the Miami
talent? I don't know. I'm retired from all those things. Now deal. I don't know what to say about girls. That will get me in trouble in the
first year. Wheels. Are, we're a little bit Rusty at dinner. I can't lie. I feel like I was kind of wingmanning, you
That you're the big boss here. You're the guy. I was bouncing back and forth
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Like any American shit at
all? Know, I'm kind of I've been kind of disconnected from the states and the whole American culture. I've literally been three years in Romanian two years of that in my house. So it's been a kind of a strange culture shock. It's nice to be home. It certainly feels nice to be home, but I feel like there's so much work to do, and there's a lot of catching up to do. So it doesn't feel like I'm, I guess this is my personality as a whole, to be honest with you. No matter what situation I'm in but I'm never looking at something going. Oh, cool, I get to relax. Now, we're all cool. I get to chill. It's always okay. How what work can be done here. So I'm glad to be back in.
How I was a bit disappointed by my welcome. But I've come to the realization now that the people who dislike me dislike me, not because I'm guilty of anything. They just don't like me. So they're always going to hate me, which is fine. These charges are going to haunt my name for the rest of human time. No matter how innocent I'm proven, which is fine. So, it's good to be home. It's also very nice to interact with real people again, and I've had no negative interactions with anybody. Everybody comes up to me and says, very nice things. It seems, I have a lot of fans
here, but then we went out like all the girls, everyone, but people are very
Very fascinated by you, right? Like, even the chicks, like, they're kind of, just like staring. Like, yo, is this guy fucking real
person? Well, I think that I have this strange reputation. Now, my enemies have given me the reputation of like a mob boss, a bad guy like Tristan, and I are the gambino brother which is kind of sick. It's got a cool. I mean, let's be honest. It's kind of cool to be like, the
rich famous bad guy. Yeah, so and the UN bad guys are like real life fucking
supervillain. Well, if you're like a cartel, let's say you're a cartel boss, right? You're in Mexico, and you're doing real shit and you're chopping people's legs off and your had the cartel, whatever. I mean,
Obviously, you have motion, you have movement, but you can't go any city in the world to be feared. You're just going to walk into one city and Saint-Tropez, whatever knows I'm no, you are just too. Dude, we're Tristan and I can go in any City on the planet and they're like, oh my God is them. Oh my God,
everyone kind of gets a little bit
shook, a little why we don't do anything we have dinner but it's interesting. Yes, I have to thank my enemies for that. I also have to thank my enemies for hypothetically. They bitch, and moan and cry about me. It truly is my brother and I enjoy each morning with our coffee. Sometimes we see comments of people, having mental breakdowns, the tape, Brothers animals,
Dangerous misogynist. It's so fucking gay.
Who's the biggest whiner Ben Shapiro? Cries non-stop un out of yesterday, right?
All these conservatives have mental breakdowns but they do it in such a space. They do it in such a feminine frame, it's just hilarious.
Which sucks. Because I do like been to. I mean, obviously he says a lot of smart things, like I've been a fan of him and I'm a fan of yours which is like I feel like you guys are disagreeing on such like small things right. I'm sure you guys agree on a lot of shit to.
I'm sure we probably agree that dudes, can't chop their dick off and become a chick. I mean, but that's pretty
Sick. I mean, I struggle to disagree with that. I probably agree on that point with nearly anyone on the planet. Would you ever do
a one-on-one debate with him? Sure. Has that ever been talked
about? I don't think he'd like to do it because next to me on camera, he's gonna look extremely small
and Optics matter. I'm a fan of both of then and today I would as a fan, I would love to
see, I love to talk to the guy but he's just gonna look like a midget. He has the problem which he cannot solve, which is nice, a very small, man, he's smaller than my girlfriend and he's going to look ridiculous sitting next to me if he can fix that. Having a boy.
Booster seat, then sure. We
can talk about me. Good entertainment. What else do you have planned while you're here? I know, we might go to UFC and power.
Slap, you'll see Power slap in Vegas, might do that. I've got new Penthouse. I'm moving into going to do that. I have to
do some got a penthouse here? Yeah, bought Penthouse in Miami.
Wow, man. After that dinner with you after hearing those few songs by Shazam, the thigh fucking. So I bought a house
here. Do you think you could name like any popular songs probably like, what if we went like, I am. I am the one who went 10ks on
right now, I am the worst for popular culture. You can try
I am shit sauce. Let's do that. I'd Orioles movies. Do I don't watch Lindsey 25k song fucking out. Well no, no. You don't have to pay me. All right, let's go. All right.
Let's do well do four songs? Cool.
But I don't watch movies. I don't watch TV. I haven't seen Game of Thrones. I don't know. All your cool kids are doing anything.
Gotta know
Weaker talk? I heard it before. Who is it fucking? You got a name, the title and the artist? No, no clue. I can't name the title of the artists know. I know the song Throw its last night by Morgan wall. I know the song I've heard they don't but Morgan Wallen. No sorry but I have heard that song. Okay. I've definitely heard it. All right I didn't know who it was by. I never
saw one. I don't know if this is your jazz.
I personally think this is a track.
it's not like,
Olden days were used to matter who the artist was.
There's another side.
Honestly I couldn't even name this one too but I know it's possible if it's that sounds like that. What's her name? The stallion sounds like her same shit. I don't know. Yeah, glow. Yeah, so you're the. I mean, I might
get disconnected. Yeah, I don't know. You know, it's kind of amazing music used to matter like the song will come out and it be the song of the summer. I'm old enough to remember this out. How old are you? 30 your youngster. I'm a real old man, 38. So
So I remember on one song would be the song of the summer and everybody knows who sung it and it would be the biggest track ever and it would matter and everyone will buy the CD and you couldn't listen to it free online and you sit there and watch the music channel. All day waiting for it to come on. Now, that's just so much music. Being pumped out on Spotify is
ridiculous when you listened to growing up, like what what's like nostalgic for you?
The only thing that was playing in my house was my father's music which was Bobby Womack. Usually was like soul that I'd slow
down. You're like a teenager though when you like
have I really ever been that into music, I'm not sure.
Listen to rock or
rap. I listen to everything and I like everything. I like good songs from everything, but I would never say I've ever been really into music. I've never been to a concert ever. I've I hear a song, I like it but you know I
don't shoot him. Morgan long concert.
I mean it's probably great. This probably you know, hot girls in cowboy a good place to fall in love. I bet it is. I bet it is but I've just never been, you know, I've never really been Ultra fascinated with most things. I kind of I have this weird habit which I'm going to admit now on this podcast which would be used against me forever. But I never watch TV ever. And if I do what
Watch TV. The only thing I watch our cooking shows and I watch cooking shows and I get mad, they irritate me. But for some reason, I'm addicted. Like a fly, bumping into a lamp. I just have to sit there and watch cooking shows and I get mad watching them because I'm say sitting there going, okay, food is good. But the way these people talk about food and the mental breakdown, the having over food that are you fucking retarded? Like, who cares? It's chesebrough know, but it's the cheese and then she did. You try that cheese? Oh my God, the cheese is late and they start crying because I missed a dinner and and I just sit there watching
More and more frustrated, until I eventually turned it off. Food is not that interesting. I music's great, but it's not that interesting. I've never really been in that into these things. I kind of feel like I'm at a higher threshold for entertainment and that has been a blessing and a curse because you're difficult to please. But every difficult to please you going to try and Achieve amazing things. Why is Ryder achieve amazing things all the time, you're going to achieve amazing things. If you could wake up and have a cheese sandwich and put on fucking a song from Spotify and be like today's great, well, then you're never going to do what it takes to go out there and actually be successful. If you wake up and say,
Say, I don't care about the food, don't care about the music. Don't care about the sports team. Don't care about the TV. Don't care about any of that. I want a Bugatti, I want a jet. I want to work that. So I've never been entertained by these things. I don't find them that interesting. I'm not against them and I know what a good song is but I've just I've just got bigger fish to
fry. I was that, cause you think it's like a waste of time. I've seen you say that before it was, it lets your mind just never
stopped. If I had to be honest with you, I think my dopamine receptors are pretty fucked by now. I mean, I grew up completely poor and then I had a tea
Professional fights which of course, is going to be a huge rush. That's why Fighters get addicted to it. Because once you retire from fighting normal, life is pretty bland and mundane
and then I had the whole webcam thing and had all these
beautiful women work with me and I was making money with that. And then that went Boston, I went broke again that I got Filthy Rich with Bugattis and private jets and hundreds of millions of dollars that I get thrown in a Romanian dungeon that I become the most famous man in the world. Then I'm stuck in Romania for three years in my house that I fly to Miami and land, and it's hero. Everyone's Fanfare, like my dopamine receptors,
I've been up. Dab, dab that. So someone someone goes have you heard this song? I'm So Pro who gives a fuck. I've got my I've done too many bigger things. It's like a man who's been to war and then he comes back and they're like, do you want to watch this movie? He's like, not really like, I'm used to getting shot. I don't give a shit about this movie. It doesn't matter anymore. So
at this moment in time, are you like, are you like happy?
I wouldn't say I'm unhappy in any way and I would, I would say I'm happy, yes, but the whole idea of happiness, in and of itself is skewed.
Western World especially in the masculine frame because there's so many men who are waking up complaining about the fact, they're not happy, which is the strangest mindset. I think a man can have because as a man, how happy you are, has absolutely nothing to do with how you live your life, and how you perform, and what you need to do, how happy you are, is a pointless measurement. So why'd you even measure it at all? I would argue that as long as you're not distraught as long as someone you love didn't die that day. Heaven forbid, that happens often, let's say a couple a couple of times a decade besides those.
As you should be happy enough to go to the gym and perform and make your money and do what you need to do, who gives a shit if you're particularly Smiley or not. I think it's quite binary. This whole idea of how happy am. I is easiest way for a man to destroy his life. If you're chasing happiness, you're only going to do hedonistic garbage and Achieve. Absolutely nothing important. If you wake up and say, I don't care how happy I am. I want to be proud of myself. I want to make other people proud of me. So I have to do all these things. Irregardless of how I feel. You're gonna have a fantastic life. If you wake up and you wake up and say, I want to be happy, you're going to chase silly hoes,
drugs and alcohol.
Temporary happiness,
right. But but well, how else can you get? Instant happiness. Unless it's temporary to get long-term happiness is something that's only going to come from dedication and hard work, which requires short-term suffering is just delayed. So if you're dedicating yourself and working hard for the future happiness, but especially considering the fact that most people are never happy with what they get, you always want more, your life, just becomes hard work and dedication and struggle and suffering, and that's what you just exist within. And you don't operate under the Paradigm of happy or sad. To me, it's quite
Binary. It's not a scale of how happy am I. It's just has something terrible happened today. Am I just straw? No, then I'm happy. It's almost like, there's no such thing as cold. It's just an absence of heat in space. There's no cold there's just heat or there's no heat. Well, if there's no despair, heaven forbid, a family member dies. If there's no despair, then there's only happiness left. I've, I was happy in jail. I'm happy here. I'm happy in Romania. I'm happy if they arrest me again. I'm happy all the time because unless something truly devastating happens.
It's the only frame I operate under but to me, happiness isn't the Kiddush smiling? Look at me, I'm happy. That's for children and women. And as a man, truthfully you get your contentment. I wouldn't even say happiness but you achieve your contentment through making others. Happy I feel content when my children are happy, I feel content. When I make my woman happy, I get more from giving than receiving. That's why Christmas is set up the way it is and dad never gets anything. We give we go to work. We struggle. We make money. We suffer so others can be happy. But
Of us. It's not our job to be happy ourselves. You show me a man who wakes up and says he wants to be happy himself. I'll show you a bitch because that's not what you're supposed to do as a man, you're supposed to wake up and say, alright, my life might be shit. I'm going to suffer, I may be miserable, but every single person I love is going to be happy instead. So you live externally you live through them. You give them the happiness. So happiness. Just a bonus. Well, how could you think
still take care of the wife and the kids and like, be jacked and be happy?
Of course you can be but it's not the be all and end. All of
The masculine imperative truthfully. If I had to choose between being happy or being competent, if I had to choose between being me with my influence and my competency, but with all of my stress and headache or being happy, is a nobody sitting in the park, doing mushrooms staring at the clouds like a dumbass. I would choose to be me clearly because I did so I think as a man unless you're competent and capable, no, the less actually analyze this unless you're competent and capable as a man, you're not even prepared. You can't even love anything unless you're competent capable as a man not
No you're right though.
No. But this is important, it's good. Because because this is why, you know when girls have those loser dudes who are like saying I love you so much. I love you. And the girl doesn't give a shit that the loser dudes telling her that he loves her. Why is that? Because the female is smart enough to understand on an intrinsic level. That as a man if you have no capability to give her things, if you have no competence, if you have no skills or use case that your love is completely useless. It's like, if you have a brother beside you, who says he loves you with all his heart.
Heart. But he's a complete pussy and he can't fight and you get attacked. What's his love work? What's his love worth? So, as a man, if you want to say, I love my wife, I love my children, I love my friends, I love the world. You can only have a love, that is valuable. If you're a competent and you're capable, and you're only going to have that if you suffer. So if you want to have the ability to love other people, if I want to be a person who can wake up and realize, I truly love my children. I truly love my woman. Then the only way I can do that is to suffer enough to be a man whose love has value. If I wake up and say, I truly love
People, I care about but I want to be happy. So I'm going to go and sit in the field and take mushrooms be a dumbass. Well, then my love is completely valueless because when they call me and say there's a problem, Andrew, you love me fix it. I'm going to say, I can't and men are nothing but success objects. We are valued by what we can do. We are competency objects. Females are sex, objects, men are what can he do? What is he good at? That's all we're measured on, is our capability. I think happiness is the easiest way to
To destroy your own capability because you're too busy doing dumb shit. So, when you asked me that question, the reason I gave such a long answers, because, how happy I am, doesn't cross my fucking mind. I wake up and I have things to do, I have bills to pay, there's Millions to make on their do this podcast. I'm gonna go home and then I need to train and have a whole bunch of other stuff to do. Then I have to fix everybody else's problems. Then I got to talk to my children. Everyone's life is great but Mine mine's been long stressful and busy and I'm going to go to sleep. I'm going to wake up. I'm going to do it again. There's no time for me to be happy in any of this equation ever. And if I should, if I choose happiness, if I decide to
Be happy that I can't love the people. I love properly because I become useless.
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So, if you're thinking about starting a business, guys, go to, false and like I said, and start your business today. What do you think is the biggest reason that a lot of males are not elevating or they're like, you know, if you hear people talk about that all the time now,
because they're trying to be happy, this is a fucking sigh. Aw, this is the biggest sale that needs to be addressed in the modern world today. There are full-grown men waking up. Talking about talking about all, you know, I just feel a bit down. You're not a fucking girl and you're not a kid. You mean, what do you mean? You feel down? You don't in a trench in Ukraine.
What do you mean? You feel down? Name a period of human history. Were men were ever happy ever. You're either in a field plowing in a field. Getting shot. Marching I can--and sitting home hoping the Barbarian hordes. Don't arrive on Horseback to decapitate your fucking wife when of men ever been happy ever. It's easier than it's ever been. Yeah, it's easier than it's ever been. You don't even gotta go to war. All you have to do is wake up. Not be a dipshit, find some money by a half. Nice.
Argh half, nice apartment that you could. Fuck, endlessly, you're still not happy. Whether you're an
idiot sitting, it's about
perspective. I think it's about a bunch of selfish losers, who are having the Femme Centric, psyop, permanently ingrained, inside of their minds of this endless. Chase for Kiddush, childish, happiness, the happiness you felt when you were five newsflash, the happiness, you felt when you were five years old is gone and it's never coming back. Those Christmas mornings that you enjoyed our gone.
You are a grown-up you are a man. Now a woman can feel that you can put a woman on a jet and take her somewhere. She's never been and she could be in love with you and she can feel it like a kid, your children can feel it, you can give it to others but you are never going to feel it yourself. And if you chase it, you're gonna end up on drugs, doing dumb shit. Losing everything you've ever cared about. So just forget about happiness, forget about it, you're not supposed to have it. I will genuinely State and I State this. As a matter of fact, I feel no more happy or sad here in Miami.
Then I didn't jail perhaps. I feel I have more I can get done here, I feel more achieved. I feel less frustrated true because very frustrated in jail because I was it constrained and I had lots to get done. But in terms of actual happiness, the level is basically exactly the same nothing's different, nothing's different, I wake up and I have things to do and I'm going to do them to the best of my ability, perhaps in jail. I'm constrained, is a little bit harder, like a half, an hour on the jail, phone have to talk in code here, I got nice iPhone, I can text everything everything, get it all done, but
My happiness is exactly the
same. Well what's your best advice to a guy that's been like rejected or cheated on by a girl?
Well, he probably deserved it. I don't give a fuck about these pussies either because we're man you have to take accountability for all these things would have been rejected by a girl. I don't get rejected by girls. Why the said this is an interesting question and I will come up to me go my girl a girls are Jack males. Okay, well, they don't reject me because all that's because you're a big strong rich and famous. Well then, do you have the
answer? Get
big strong? Rich. And famous. Why you were skinny little pussy.
So, what you want to do about it, women are a fantastic litmus test. Women are the mirror to the world. That's what they are. The way women treat. You tells you everything you need to know about you because we can complain about women all day long, but I'll sit here and say that women definitely shoot their shot. And women are definitely loyal and women definitely obey and they will clean your room and they'll make you coffee and they'll share you and they'll do anything you fucking say. That's what I'll say and people will go only for you. Well, why is that? Because I'm highly achieve
Saved. So if you want to sit at home and be a loser I'd be a nobody and not try and not dedicate yourself and not suffer and not display value. And then you expect some fucking hot girl with all the choices in the world to choose you and give a shit about you crying that, you're not happy. Well then you're a dipshit and you deserve to be cheated on and left as a, man, every single thing that happens to you in your life, you absolutely completely deserve including that woman cheating because she wouldn't cheat on everyone. There are some complete whores fine. But then
But then we go deeper down the rabbit hole. If you're dating a girl is complete. Ho who cheat on. Absolutely. Every single, man she's ever with, why are you even with her or, why are you? Why do you care? When she cheats? Take her for a spin, and say, out and go fuck your falling in love with with Tramps, and then you're emailing me for advice? Well, you're a dummy. There's plenty of good girls out there that will never cheat. You just can't get them because you're a pussy, right? We can't psyop the entire female population women with unlimited options, which is what they have.
By their Instagram profiles, unlimited options to choose a shit option. I can't sit here and say, Here's what you say, bro. Here's the magic word to make her blind and
You're a fucking dipshit. So, that's why you got cheated on. Perhaps have you looked in the mirror? You could identify exactly why she did it. You can look in the mirror and say, was this, actually my fault. And on some level it is, it always is the only way you can succeed in life as a man, as if you take absolute responsibility for everything, all of the time, you have to sit there and
Every single thing that happens in my life is my fault. Even if it feels like, it's not even if she cheats on you, every man goes ah she's a ho she cheated her friends made her do it. She went out, she drunk that it. Uh, why's she hanging out with those friends? Why didn't you stop it? Because you told her not to hang out with him. She didn't respect you enough. So why don't you respect? You enough, your fault, your fault. Why are you falling in love with a girl who doesn't obey you? Because you have no other options, whose faults, that yours simple. You're choosing bad apples cause you ain't got any good ones when
your boys dating like a big like ho though, sometimes it's
it's tough to tell him like bro, your girls at home.
Just laugh at him just last year at laughing. I'm just saying, she's a slut. She's gonna cheat on you and then she cheats and just giving no sympathy. Welcome to the Real World motherfucker. I told you like, but the amount of times I get asked about girls by dudes, who don't deserve pussies ridiculous. You're asking me about girls and you're worried about girl, cheating, bro. You're poor, you are broke, and you are weak. What the fuck you talkin about girls for? You have bigger concerns to address its, it really is amazing to me because I get this all the time people come.
To me randomly on the street. Oh, hey man. Yeah, I love your content and and my girl, your girl, you got skinny arms pussy. We want a fucking girl for it's unbelievable. Did you get your shit right? It's amazing how quickly. Everything else falls into place. The best way to be good with girls, is to be good with everything besides girls if you're good at business and you're good with people and you're good, your body is in good shape, and you're charismatic, and you're smart, and you're interesting, and you're wise, you got a good Network on a fucking yacht and a Bugatti in a jet, guess what? You can't get rid of them. You can't get rid of them for, you know, what you have. So many in your
How's it going to use to human fucking traffic? That's what happens if you get your shit, right? But of course, if you're going to sit there and only focus on the girls with none of the other stuff, dming them all day, what do idea? I'm a girl to make her reply. You know, 42 followers.
That's the funniest question. What do I DM a girl? Yeah
but but this this obsession with girls bro girls are a mirror, girls will tell you everything you need to know about who you are and you need to start listening to what they're being. You need to listen to the feedback. Listen
A feedback and improve yourself. You can't blame women for trying to get the best they can get, and the sexual Marketplace has drastically changed now. It's completely globalized is completely online. There's no such thing as finding a hawk. Little beautiful girl from a small town /. She's got two million followers, so it's all online. It's endless competition with men all around the world from the age of 18, there being offered to fly out to Sydney, Dubai, Singapore, Tokyo. This is the game now. So you have two choices, you can either cry, your eyes out about it.
Or live in some delusion where you think I'm going to give you advice. It's going to stop you from being a pussy or you can compete and if you want to compete then you need to be ultra self accountable when you compete in anything. How do you do it self-accountability? Doesn't matter what it is. You're gonna be a basketball player. Can be a chess player after the game. You analyze the game. What did I do, right? What did I do wrong? You should be doing that in your life with everything like after every day, well, after every day, but after everything, all of the time, when's the last time you look at yourself in the mirror and said, okay. It's just a man, am I the best version of myself?
Could I do better? The answer is always. Yes, I could do better, of course, I could, but I'm honest with myself about it, but how close am I to Optimum, right? What about me would even be attractive to a girl or of a girls acting a certain way or she ain't listening to you? Why is she listening to me, right? But most people don't want to self-reflect, they want to blame the women, which is the problem with the
regimen is not one minute easier to blame someone else even in your work. It's easier to blame someone else than yourself.
Well, everybody always blames everybody else for everything which is why they never succeed in win. And I blame myself, I
I'm myself for everything. I blame myself for the Matrix attack, the put me in jail even though it was a setup. I blame myself, I by myself for absolutely everything. I blame myself for getting wet in the rains. I didn't bring a fucking umbrella, I don't cry the clouds like a dumbass. So you have women with all these choices on their plate and you have the man who basically are so busy doing other fantastic things, they don't want the women who were getting them. That's what's so interesting. The men who are getting the women that everybody's chasing are the men like me who don't really even want them. I don't want to hang out with a bunch of fucking girls is boring.
And I don't mean that disrespectfully, I wake up and I'd rather make money do interesting. Big important things than sit around having fucking date night. I don't want to sit there and hold hands and watch a movie, it's gay. And I don't want to hang out with girls, how about gay? Because it's gay, but you're holding hands of the girl. Yeah. But who hangs out with girls in high school and high school will your high school? You see a dude hang out with a bunch of girls. What is he?
Oh well I mean these guys there's gay guys that have a lot of girlfriends, right? So I wait wait, I wouldn't say watching a movie with a
girl's game. Know, the point I'm making is as a man.
Obviously, you have romantic interest to the female, obviously, you want progeny and children obviously, you are, we all feel loved? We want to protect and provide the women. We care about, of course, I understand all of that. But if you're a man who's truly busy and your Empire Building, you don't want to sit around with girls all day. You don't hang out with girls as your best friend, your girlfriend doesn't need to be your best friend. She's your girlfriend. It's a very different category. I wake up every day. I'm with my brother. And with my guys we have an Empire we have work to do. We have very important things to achieve. We work all the time, we get all of it, done my
Around sometimes, but there is none of this me. And my girlfriend are best friends. Let's hold hands us, watch movies. We have the same interests. That is gay. That is what gay? That's what gay dudes do. There's a whole bunch of men in relationships with girls who are gay. Yes, but the straight men were too busy, making enough money to have a third y'all. And then before you know all of the gay men who were chasing the real actual hot girls and getting ignored those hot girls end up on our York's. We're not chasing and we're not hanging out with them as fucking friends. Who don't care. You want to call me out. Okay, yes, here's a dress. So
where do you draw the line on like the gayness to? So if I have a girl,
No, holding hands, no dates. I'm not saying that what I'm saying. I can't take a golfing
know like what if they're both like saying that? Because I don't want to be gay though. No, of course,
but I did date a girl, and we both like golf. So now I'm kind of questioning my sexuality
close. Now, the point I'm making is that there's a lot of men who feel like, and in fact, let's analyze this another way they make it clearer.
How potent you are is a man. Directly correlates to how much time you have to dedicate towards nearly anything. Doesn't matter what it is, right? If you have strong alcohol, you need less of it to get drunk then you have week. I'll go. So you have men who perhaps are not that important or that successful or that capable or that interesting or that battle-hardened or that rich, whatever it is. They're the normal man. The only thing they have to give a woman is time, that's all they have. They have nothing else to give. So they spend all of their time with the girl, all of the time which means they end up basically being her best friend.
A shared interest in all this game, which is fine. But if you're truly a really interesting capable man, you don't have to do that because you're doing other interesting things that big king making Empire Builders do. And yeah, you see girls sometimes, but they're not your best friend and they're not your primary interest. Either their the side effect of your Monumental achievements. It's very different than being sitting there with a girl all day every day and say she's my best friend I couldn't live without her. Yeah, we share the same hobby. Oh my God, we like the same movies. Yeah, we do the same thing. That that's very different than me and teasing.
Okay. All right. We have to fly to Istanbul to check on our yacht which girls coming. Yeah. Come and put them on the jet, the back so they can talk girl. Shit me interested could talk fucking yacht shit. We're it's different. It's just a different mentality. It's really not that different. Do you remember when you were growing up? Perhaps 28 years, makes a big difference when I was growing up at Christmas dinner. The men sat with the men in the girls and the wives, and the children sound another table. That's how I grew up all the women and all the children were on one table and all the men were on another table nowadays. It's gotten so fucked up. You got the man in the women, the husband and wife all together on the same table.
The men are trying to have a conversation. Some dudes wife fucking pipes up. Some wife is just interrupting a full grown man with her opinion that she fucking heard from Whoopi Goldberg? What the fuck, the I didn't grow up that way. I grew up with men are talking, you don't interrupt men are talking as the man's table. Men are talking. That's how I grew up and you had a woman of course, and she had her jobs and you had your job, but you're busy doing things with the man. That's how you grew up. That's why I live with my brother and my team still to this day at 13 years old. We have a huge mansion us guys. Live together we wake up every day we get
Fucking money, that's it. But if you wake up every day with your girlfriend want to make talks and some dudes, do they wake up every day with a girlfriend and they make those ticked off shits gay. I'll great. Thank you. That's your life. Fake fake argument with a pillow and like they such your fucking homos, your homosexuals? Yeah yeah I don't give a fuck how straight you think you are. You can have gay sex with a bitch because you clearly are angry. That's okay. So there's there's a there's a level of obsession with a woman that makes you gay. Yes. Only gay men are overly obsessed with women on that level.
And truthfully. I'll get I'll say something else controversial because might as well, get myself in trouble, I'm good at that. There's also a whole bunch of men who are obsessed over women. They don't even have children with our relationship isn't even serious without kid. Like the marriage doesn't mean anything, the piece of paper doesn't mean anything moving in together. Doesn't mean anything. Holding hands means. Nothing Tick. Tock means nothing. A ring means nothing. Bouquets me, nothing anniversaries mean, nothing. Birthdays mean. Nothing is all bullshit. I'll tell you have a fucking child with a woman. It's all just a waste of time. Anyway. I see dudes crying their eyes out over with.
Who left them? All you, she left me. How long were you together? Oh, two years and then got kid. No. It's what the fuck are you doing? Tick-Tock two years with a woman that she's left you to was a waste of time. Anyway. So our relationships, not even serious if a woman doesn't even give me a child. Why the fuck would I sit and listen to her crap? Why am I going to sit there? The of all the people I can talk to you. I could talk to pbd. I can talk to track it took. So all the most important interesting people on the planet, but no, instead of doing that, I'm going to sit there.
And listen to her with her opinions, didn't even give me a kid. What the fuck she could have talked about sex in the city? Well, I think sometimes the
guys are scared of having a kid, right? Like if I was dating a girl for a year, don't you got to be careful like who you have a kid with? Why? Like that. Girl's gonna be in your life forever
then? No, she's not. The kid is,
well, you still gonna have to interact with her and she's gonna have to text, you're gonna have to see
her. Yeah, I'm not here all the time. You know what? It's
kind of what you think I'm overthinking
that. Of course you are because it's a, no mate.
Maybe maybe I'm just more militant. I don't know. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe I'm telling you definitely are. But well, no disrespect. I'm busy. See you in six months and kid here. Thanks to
fuck. So that's how you handle
it. Like a, it's just all over text. I'm busy. Okay.
So it's just like drop them at the front door.
Yeah. I mean, I don't want to offend them and they know me well enough to know that it's not offensive. I've just got important things to do. I don't have time to sit around, go golf. I'm joking. You're my friend but now, you know what I mean? You don't like off you go.
Thought I'm shit at golf Brock tried once. I quit. Yeah, but the point I'm making here is this let's let me surmise because I've set along Elon is putting rockets in space. Along is one of the most important men in the planet. He's trying to fix all the government corruption. He doesn't have time to sit around and be a boyfriend. He's better than that. It would be a waste of elon's monumental capabilities for him to sit around and play boyfriend. And watch a shit movie with a chick. He knows it and she should know it. I see.
You're saying they should have a kid, he should go back to work. That's what he should do because he is a very important man. Now, if you're a Joe Schmo with, fuck all else to do, cool sit around, make talks with your woman. Fine, I have better things to do.
That's all I'm trying to say. Now that makes sense. What do you think about Elon when he took over X? Did you get reinstated right
away? I got reinstated right away. He launched a real g. A real G. He put me back on right away. Were you surprised by that? I guess I was kind of surprised, but then, to be honest with you, I think any of the social media, bans against me or ridiculous. I don't know what, I'm even banned for, what am I banned for jokes and saying, women can't drive and stupid things. So, I got banned for basically nothing in the first place. And along, shows that when a CEO comes along, who understands the truth of the world and is
Isn't woke mine virus obsessed that you can instantly get your platform back. I think the CEO to YouTube's changed now, hasn't it.
Yeah, we met him at the inauguration and I was crazy. So like like we said our Trump interview got deleted two years ago. So I
remember that, what I remember that.
That was insane. It was insane, right? So and then we went to this uh, this is a YouTube party, the CEO of Google was there. The CEO of YouTube? And it was an inauguration events, like pbd was there to like, Lex freedmen. And then there was a TV and it on repeat, it was all the content that people
Done with Trump leading up to the election and I'm like looking in the corner and I'm looking at the TV and I'm like this is a fucking YouTube event. Like 2 years ago our shit got deleted with Trump and that was his first podcast he ever did. I think they're obviously, I mean, they're probably following the money at the same time, but the You Tube Co seemed like, you know, he knew I was like an OG who knew he knew all about our channel, so it seems like he's they're obviously going to have to get a lot more in touch with everything
I see seems. It's sounds like he's a balanced guy. I've heard it from a few people.
And they've all said, he's a pretty sensible smart guy. So, I mean, a reinstatement on YouTube, you would be huge huge. I mean,
they bring back a boy Steve to yeah. Of course,
I think, I really think they should have done a hard reset to be honest, once Trump won again, everyone who is Ban should just be unbanned. Let's reset. Let's start again unless see, who says? Well, because even there's a lot of people who were banned a long time ago, whose opinions may have changed. They may now be saying things different than what they used to say or the public perception about certain things, like Cove, it is completely changed, you get banned for kovin misinformation now,
We all accept Kovac was a huge scam, so I think they should just do a blanket. Pardon and restart. You can always read band. Someone like if YouTube were to reinstate me and think that I would say things that were so devastatingly dangerous. They need to ban me again, then fine strike me, ban me, but I think they should just do a blanket pardon. That's what I would do. I think that's what you did. Yeah, Ilan. Just blanket pardoned, everyone put everyone back and decide who gets to stay and who doesn't? And it turns out I get to say because I say very important, interesting things and I'm not even breaking any of the rules. I've never had a strike or a lockout or no problems on X ever.
So, I think I'd be a fantastic way to
go. It seems like they're all doing it right. Even Zuckerberg. They brought Dana on, as on the board amazing, which is, I think a bigger fucking W4 meta.
Well, it is but meta, still hasn't reinstated me either. I still need to try and get my Instagram back but I feel happy knowing day and is on the board. So I've never met Dana never spoken to him, but the fact he's on the board. Means the board cannot be and ridiculously woke because every time I see Dana speak, I'm like yep. Yep. Yep. Everything he says is
true. What I like about Dana to is like I'm
The UFC sometimes gets a lot of pressures from their advertisers to like if you see someone like Sean Strickland or the, I don't know if you've seen the Bryce Mitchell shit recently where I'm sure in the background. May get a lot, a lot of pressure from sponsors and business deals. But Dana just stands on his two feet. And just says, like, yo, I'm not going to tell my Fighters, what to say
fantastic fantastic because once you start policing people speech, it's only downhill from there, you know that we know that from the last four years of how this country got Trot into the ground.
And so yeah, I think it's fantastic. And I remember with the Bryce Mitchell thing. Dana said look, I don't agree with it. I think what he said was stupid, but he's allowed to say it and that's the most sensible. What is possibly wrong with that point of view? That is so ridiculously sensible. I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more and the fact that Dana sticks up for his Fighters as well. Which is what you'd expect of somebody who runs your organization, you fight for absolutely admirable. He's to go. Yeah, is what else do
you have planned while you're in the u.s. is there? Anyone else you're going to link up with I saw. What's good with the Kanye interview?
Yeah. Kanye tweeted
I mean we kind of spoke a little bit. We had a
conversation. You guys spoken on the phone. Yeah, we spoke on the phone Kanye and
I I would love to have that chat with Kanye. I think that would be an interesting one. It was certainly set the internet on fire. We'll have to see how it all comes about wolf to get it done. It's coming sooner or later, we'll get it done. But, uh, yeah, I'm being patient with it because I intend on being in America, for a very long time now. So, I don't do everything at once run. Let it slowly
or, yeah, they might fuck your shit up a little bit, right?
Well, if I do everything at once to quickly as well, people can't properly digest it and I like to think that my
She is sometimes need to be thought about a little bit so I'm going to kind of space it out a little bit and I'm also going to try and find some time. Even though I just said all that crap about happiness, I'm going to completely contradict contradict myself. Now we Define some time to try and do something which is not work. We do something. I don't know what we do in America. We can shoot guns. Is that it? You could shoot. Guns are letting go shoot. What else do you like? Go to the beach? That's not fun bro.
Just chill at the beach. I mean, you could work on your
phone. The oh, that's
depressing. What else? Is fun? Then
I love racing cars. What I love about living in Europe.
Driving because in Europe, you can get a Lambo. You can drive a however, you want. And have these crazy mountain roads and you can race around through the mountains and all these beautiful sceneries and the police would stop you eventually for speeding, but they just take your license and you're only half an hour from the next country. You just leave France and Italy and carry on driving even though you lost your license in France, 30 minutes ago, it was a
lot of fun, but I feel like when you do, do some things for yourself. If you do one hour for yourself and then 23 hours on work, I feel like those 23 hours, maybe,
More productive to know
perhaps but I loved racing around Europe. That's the one thing I can say, I did purely for fun. There was no objective. There was no pertinent objective or there was no Financial incentive
to do. It was racing around
Europe, but I can't do that anymore. And driving in America is not funny. There's no point, even having a Lambo here. I don't know why people even buy luxury cars here because it's just traffic. It's just straight lines. It's just highways the I have no temptation. Even buy a Lamborghini here or bring the begat. Here's all the waste of time. I might be
We got here and drive around. Miami just took a mess and I'm fly it out
again. Just to laugh at D Cox. They never got it. But
driving it driving in Europe to complete experience. Driving through the Alps and France
is a different experience
and the way you can race around and the whole place is racetrack, I love driving in Europe, so I'm going to miss that, I'm gonna miss that. So we'll have to replace driving with something else. Perhaps shooting. I don't know. The shooting fund, it depends what you shoot. I guess you blow shit up. You'll blow shit up. Let's blow some shit up this to. It wasn't shot. Maybe in Vegas. Well, fucking, shut up, we'll do it. But
About eight. And I know you had a long relationship with him. Your guys shits always fucking hilarious together. Are you going to? He's here, I know. I need to go
see link up with them or no, I'm not yet, I need to go see him. You messaged me? I need to go see him, I don't know what, I don't know what Aiden's day-to-day life is like, what does he do?
He says he hits the gym every morning. Fuck. He says he's fuck off. Maybe Ross three. Should all hit a
workout. That would be hilarious. All right, we're going to work out. Let's, let's work out. There you go. Perfect content. I want to see Hayden Ross's, Jim transformation. I have a feeling he crawls out of bed.
Some soy latte, garbage sits around scrolling on his phone. Before he streams gets overpaid to talk garbage, and then smokes weed all night. That's probably something
close to you could be like, a text or in between sets like the guy that just sits on the chest fly and I'm like does it say it? And I'm just like text I'm not gonna lie, that's nice. Tiny to that's me though. That's you yeah your text room between
sets hundred percent. Yeah, I know it's a bad thing but I got work to do. Yeah. I just sit there and I just conquer the machine and I just kind of sit there and text but yeah, we'll see. We'll see how strong he is. I'm gonna
go see a not be interesting, very funny. I have to get myself back into the American way the American culture. It is so interesting how different Americans are than most other people.
Do, what's the main
difference. You're a lot more open and friendly than most other people, which is, I guess it's a good thing. It's a good thing. Like if you sit down, I'm
Canadian. So sorry if
you're sorry. It's
not, it's not a good time, so it's not a good time right now. It's bad, but like if you sit
down at table with Americans and let's say there's like three girls or three guys, and whatever you sit down. You'll say hi to the guys and the girls were like, oh, hi. Were you from what you do that?
Bunch is very friendly worth of you. Sit down with a table of 10 people in Romania. You'll say hi to the guys. You completely ignore the women. The women won't say a word to you, and everyone's very cold and no one talks, and just it's very different. America is a lot more open as a society, which is nice because
they say Americans are dicks.
No, I wouldn't say your dicks. You can accidentally be very annoying when you're seeing in like Europe or other, you know, I'm not American too loud and obnoxious. Yeah, loud obnoxious, yeah. Or just like I'm American too. Right? I grew up here, but I left when I was eight. So I was effectively.
Raised in Europe or like Americans will just walk in with like baggy shorts and like a
vast and a hat
like into the most prestigious establishment just wander in and just that they're just different than Europeans. You can spot them off right while a mile away. Like, if you go to the casino in Monte Carlo and you go to the high rollers table everyone's in a tux and then you can go to Las Vegas where they're spending the same money and they're sitting there like flip-flops and shorts and a t-shirt and they're just spending a
hundred thousand a hand. Like they don't try. Yeah.
So that's what Europeans.
Americans for like nobody puts in the effort into their appearance. Yeah. It's kind of a
thing, one thing. I think you should do while you're here or soon, is eventually Joe Rogan. Do you think that? Would you like to do
that? Sure, that'd be a very interesting conversation. I I don't think, you know, he was getting cancelled heavily during the Cova days and but I think he's pretty safe now. He's not gonna he's not going anywhere. I and I was about to say that there was conversations and be doing Joe Rogan long before, because before I got a referee was down to have you on. Yeah. Before I got arrested, I was avoiding
Voiding America, here was my completely flawed logic. I thought I'm way too large. Now the Matrix is going to try and get me. Where is the current Heart of Darkness? Well it's the liberal establishment of the United States and we know that to be true because they're sending all their money with USA defined. All this garbage all around the world. So I'll sing, If I Stay in Europe and Dubai and I stay out of American politics to the best of my ability, you're good. Then I might be. Okay. So I was being invited to America all the time for these podcasts. Huge one's not just Joe other very large ones.
And I was saying to Tristan, it's Icarus is too close to the Sun. If I go and blow Joe Rogan up, we're going to jail. So I tried to avoid all these things but it didn't work because the UK foreign secretary and the Secretary of State Lincoln signed off on my arrest with the Romanians and they all did a big deal to get rid of me off the internet anyway so I got rekt anyway. So now I'm at the point. Well I may as well go all guns blazing. It's the same as Elan. Elan tried to be non-political until the Democrats promised to basically put him in jail and take tests law him and stop him launching Rockets. So then he went all in on the Republicans. He
Trump had to win or his whole life was over. So, that's the position. I'm now in, I've tried to avoid politics, but I'm actually as heavily involved, as a man can be. I'm Trump's number one soldier. And then I'm the soldier for Vance afterwards and then I hope can day sir. I win it because otherwise, America's done I'll run for president. After, if I don't see anybody who I believe can win it, I'll do it myself because of these psychos, get back in power, my life's over anyway, as his trunks, they would have locked his ass up and a bunch of other people. All the j6j Sixers would still be sitting in jail. So I'm fully committed now. So
That's why I was avoiding America for a long time and I was avoiding the largest podcast like Joe, but now I'm in a position where I felt the loose. So I would love to do Joe road. Now break the fucking and I break the internet, because also, there's still so many things. I haven't said, there's still so many things about the corruption involved with the justice system and the legal systems, not just in Romania, but in America and the UK there are so much. I know that I still haven't said, because I still have to report to these people, but the day comes through a day will
come when light will be shed on the absolute insanity and this is why I
want a lot people.
Home to understand as well. I know this is not a particularly political podcast, but this is important whenever anyone decides to vote Democrat for any reason. Let's say, you have a mental illness and you want to vote Democrat, understand this that you're being left at the mercy of not only foreign governments because Democrats never got anybody at jail. Ever, you're being left at the mercy of foreign governments, but also the Democrats. Use foreign governments to lock up people. They don't like, so they'll look at you. Kyle on the go. Aha, we don't want to have charges on them in America and we can't really try and make something stick here, because there's law, and it's going to come out. This is
whatever. But he's going to India, he's going to India, they'll send a fucking cable, a diplomatic cable to India. Get you picked up in India on some bullshit. Some police officer will pretend you had weed in your pocket, when you didn't, you're not sitting in Indian jail, the Dems did it to you because I did it to me, you're voting Democrat, you're giving your government the authority to destroy your life, any time you go on holiday ever because they use foreign judicial system because then they can sit there in the eye, the Indians are crazy. I we're going to try and get him out and leave you. You gotta be very careful, that's what we need. Yeah.
Yeah, that's what happened. We have to be extremely careful as Americans now that the Republicans won State truly Republican or Not infiltrated by garbage and to they stay in power. Otherwise it's over for basically everybody. That's extremely important that happens but that but then let's tie this all the things right. This is why I even teach the things I teach the reason I tell men, I don't give a shit about you not being able to get pussy. You need to get out there and get strong and be motivated and get as rich as possible is because you don't there's no point having an Army full of weeks old boy.
It's not going to win any War. This is a war. I consider this an ideological battle. That's why I talk motivation. Why do I wake up and waste my time? Effectively, I have enough money. I could retire right now. Why am I talking motivation, all day, every day to the Youth of the world constantly, because I'm trying to motivate them to be a soldier worth having. It's like when you have an army barracks, and you wake them up, and you make them sing the songs as they run. I'm trying to motivate all of the youth in the world today, so they can resist the slave mind programming because my life depends on it as does yours.
Oars as does. There's why do I teach people how to make money online? Why am I trying to teach people to become? As rich as possible because broke people aren't useful in the war? No one cares about the broke. He's no one cares. What the broke? He say, you have to be rich to have influence. So I sit there and say, well, if I want to have influence surely by extension, I want every single fan of mine to have influence because then we're a more powerful Army. So if you're a fan of mine I will teach you how to make money. That's why I do it. That's why I have the school where I teach it. That's why I say join the real world for $49 a month and you'll
Rich. What's amazing is there are people who will not invest $49 a month in themselves to become monumentally wealthy. Well, those are the people who are no good to anybody. If I sit here and you listen to what I say. And you agree with what I say. And you understand I'm successful and I tell you you can do the same things and it costs less than a fucking pizza. And you don't try well, guess what? You're not worth anything to anyone including me? So I'm trying my very best to genuinely shift the culture. The reason I launched a schools because the educational system is
one of the ways are primarily infiltrating people's minds. That's where the woke mind virus is coming from all these universities and Educational Systems. You tell somebody don't go to schools full of garbage. They say I have to go cause I need to make money. No, you don't. You can make money from home for $49 a month and avoid the whoa crap there. You don't need to go to UNI you don't need to go school all of I fixed it done which is another reason they attacked me. Another reason they attacked me is because I own is mine. Wow. The largest online university in the world is mine. It's not hard.
It's mine. So I'm taking a lot of money out. These woke psychos Pockets which pissed them off again because there are men who join my school for $49 a month. Start to make ten twenty. Thirty thousand dollars a month and say, well, I don't need to go to university, I make more than my professor. Now that's another reason to attack me. I became Target number one, but these things are necessary. They're extremely necessary. So to all the men out there who are watching this podcast at the end of this,
I hope you take the motivational pieces and you apply them to your life. I also hope you genuinely joined the school and become rich. I want all of my fans to be a strong and rich as possible. I want soldiers, almost Special Forces. Otherwise, we are going to lose and I'm going to lose first because they Trump up the king's head. First. I'm the first guy they're going to get. How do you say about the first guy? So this is interesting. I have a vested interest and making all of my fans as rich as possible name. Someone else who wakes up and goes. Okay, I have a whole bunch of fans. I need to make them rich.
If I have a vested interest in making my fans strong and smart and Rich and capable all of them. If you're a fan of mine, I'm on your team. Trying to make you better permanently all of the time or I don't survive. My life is the accountability measure. That's your leverage against me my entire life. So I'm going to wake up and try and make you rich so that I can survive and you're going to sit there and go don't know if I want to join. Well, then you're a dumbass then you're no good to me. It doesn't get any better than that because your University Professor their life's, not on the
If you fail, they don't give a shit. No one gives a shit. If you fail, the only person who gives a shit if you fail as me because I want to win, I really want everybody at home who's voting Democrat or thinking liberally or is not trying to get rich or is not dedicated or is not motivated to wake the fuck up and realize we're in the battle for our very existence. And it's down to you to not only ensure the good guys win but to become one of the good guys and you can't be one of the good guys. If you're a weakling or you're broke,
where do you see like your life and three years? How does this
Chapter wrap up in your mind.
Well, I'm gonna be slandered with this garbage for the rest of my life. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to heavily lean into it because it's
funny, you know,
it's hard to call myself a human trafficker at random because I enjoy that. I mean, you saw with the girls,
didn't it to the dinner? They like, they're like, what do you do? You're like, I traffic if they love a diet. Yeah.
Women love human traffickers guys, makes the job pretty easy to do. Funnily enough, I bought you all.
I never thought I'd want y'all Tristan convince me we're looking at buying a yacht and I was like, I don't really give a shit about you. Also, you can just rent them. He goes, no, we're going to buy one because when live on it. So when all this garbage is over, probably live on a yacht live at Sea Tristan's promise to wear an eye patch and get a parrot. So we're going to die patch and a parrot and we're live somewhere in the ocean. I'll be fun. So we get bored of it. Sail the world, it's an icebreaker. It can go through the ice arena, go up high and down low resale, all the oceans going to go everywhere on our Yachts or to do that. That's a three or four years. Probably I have to have more
I have to get that done raise my Army and those are my primary objectives now and then to try and make sure the Republicans win. And make sure all of my fans are as rich and strong as possible and and motivate them every single time I speak. I want the people to leave the podcast feeling energetic and feeling happy and feeling motivated with fire in their blood. My only reason I talk, the only reason I even say words anymore is to try and make the people who listen to me, feel like there's some energy inside of them, they can use. That's my objective because I believe that's the best things I can possibly do with my time. I'm really not interested in much else besides having children.
Children and putting them all on my yard and if any of the mothers get fresh, well, you know, walk the plank. So we'll see how it goes. Well, I saw your video. What was Greenland?
Like it was pretty sick. Yeah, it's nicer than I thought. It's fucking freezing cold obviously, but that's no Village. Yeah, I don't know if that's becoming the 51st state or whatever.
But you know what? I love about Trump, I really am such a fan of trump. I love you, just like, okay Trump, you're the most powerful person in the world. Okay let's take you just says things that will take Greenland. Why?
Because I want to put up a map of America with Greenland is like you? Sure. Yeah. I don't know if control he's the ultimate troll is so
funny. I think he's serious at the same time. The of course, I don't know if he's
trolling. No, no. But when you troll your only take it from me, take it from the man who annoys on the second best man in the world, at pissing people off, besides Trump himself. Yeah. When you troll, you have to mean it. That's what makes you a good troll. Like, I say things, and they call he's trolling. I'm like, well, I kind of mean it too. That's what makes it funny. Yeah. Right. So yeah, troll.
Hilarious II when he was beef in Canada and Mexico and Greenland all at once. It's amazing were only 39 days into his presidency and he's done all these crazy
things even if he's serious too. Like, even if that's not where the deals going to land, like it's like even with Canada, like I think the candidate should I get a lot of flack for it to obviously, cause I'm Canadian. I supported Trump. But I think that's just a result of the Canadian leaders to like Trudeau and the position that they put Canada and over the last 10 years. How is it even a fucking house that even something Trump can say? Of course, like we're going to take
Albert. That's how bad the leadership has been in Canada, but also it's like if your starting position is yo we're going to take you over. Yeah. Like the deal is probably going to land somewhere over here. You know what I mean? Which we do a favorable deal for the US, which is the deal. It's smart. Yeah. What's our the
deal? And yeah self-accountability is the perfect way. You just put it, look at Canadian self-accountability. Canadian should have got Trudeau out after cobit. They should have
mock shouldn't even be something Trump can say. Yeah. Like how is he even able to say? We're going to take you
over at all the Canadians were talking like tough guys now.
Now we're Canada, were never be the 51st state. They locked in your fucking house bro. And you sat down like a bitch and force you to get vaccinated. They took all your businesses away and even fucking leave your house and resist your own government. You're complaining about America, you're gonna bring the Americas going to put tariffs on Canadian Goods. You know who taxes can't Canadians the most Canada, your own fucking government, rapes you for every penny, so who the and you sit there pay, Trudeau half your paycheck and then talk like a tough guy on YouTube. There's a lot of, there's a
lot of smart Canadians, like, a lot of people are pretty. I have good hopes for Canada. I think there's a lot of smart people there.
I'm hoping for a big comeback, like, kind of like the u.s.
its operating very similarly, to Europe. You have a feminine leader who's basically, a girl, you have unchecked immigration, you have insane taxes, you have no growth. And America's operating like a winner and Europe, and Canada is currently operating like losers and Trudeau keeps pulling money out of his ass for Ukraine while this country falls apart because it's a dipshit. But the thing is about life, let's take this away from politics. Let's apply this to life can apply this to girls going to buy. This is politics and apply this to friendships can apply this to.
Business. You can apply this to anything. People are going to take and get away with whatever they can. This is how World the world works, right? People are going to steal from you as much as you. Let them steal who believe in abused you as much as you, let them abuse you. So there has to be a point where you stand up as a man and say no enough is enough. This is how things work. If you are a giver and to all of us are givers to some degree takers are going to take until they can't take anymore. That's how the world works. So if you're going to allow Trudeau to run your government and run your country into the ground and sit
Do fuck all about it and that's what's going to happen. There has to be a bottom line where eventually people stop complying or stop obeying? If people are going to continue to allow it to happen it's just going to continue forever. Yeah, we got to get that guy over there but then uh then you have to ask yourself the question. This is what's really interesting. You have to ask yourself the question about people get exactly what they deserve in this life and the strong conquer the week because the weaker just too Meek to protect and save themselves. Like, if Canada Falls along with Europe, which is going to fall. Part of me is gonna be heartbroken but then part of me is gonna be like, well, you had a chance and you just sat there and let it collapse.
So what you want to do, your ship is sinking, there's a hole in your ship, its getting bigger, they're going to do anything about it. Oh maybe the next election or I made a tweet last week so I'm just going to leave it on cool if you're fucked, then you're fucked. I really like to think that Americans wouldn't have accepted this election being rigged, which is why they didn't rig it because they knew they're like, we can't get away with it again. The Americans are not going to have it. Americans are built different. Freaks,
America, 1776, I guess Americans have guns to write. Well it's
built different. It's not even shooting people as much as showing up then show.
Showing the power structures that you're not you that you understand what's going on and you're not going to comply any longer. When I look at Trudeau in charge of Canada and I watched Canadians do fucking nothing. Part of me is like, well, you deserve it that during Cova do is a
lot. But there's a I feel like there's just not enough people. What I was a lot of strong, not enough. Yeah,
but what I watched the Brits I'm Kirsten armor, locks him up for tweets and the Brits do nothing will then you deserve it. You get what you deserve and this life if you're going to be in an abusive relationship and you're going to sit there,
Are as to chick and your husband's going to beat the shit out of you and you're never going to leave and you know all he's ever going to do is beat the shit out of you and you're going to sit there, guess what? You're going to get the shit beaten out of you, that's how it's going to work. If you're going to sit there with an abusive government and I let them abuse you and you never do anything about it, guess what? They're going to abuse you that's all it's going to be so Canadians are getting exactly what they deserve Hazard. Europeans which is a shit sandwich because I have no fucking balls and they have no balls because they're scared of. They tell the truth, they're gonna end up in my position. They're scared of a little bit of jail. Boohoo. I'd rather go to jail for a few.
I know that I tell the fucking truth and I'm a man who's not scared of some fucking sissy boy and assume, then sit at home and be worried about a little bit of a jail sentence, and watch my country collapse around me and live like a fucking coward forever.
What's the biggest problems with Europe right now?
The same as Canada, unchecked migration Energy prices are through the roof. Manufacturing is completely collapsed. Crime is Outta control, drugs rock and roll. And the only thing, the police seem to have time for is locking you up for telling the truth on Twitter.
Leasing your speech. They've taken away free speech because free speech is extremely important for young people. And people were telling the truth to mobilize billionaires can lie. A billionaire can stand up in front of you and say, he's going to do one thing. And actually secretly do another, a billionaire can deceive, the average man can't deceive. The average man has to tell the truth, so we can find the other people who understand him because our strength is in numbers. You have to say Trudeau's a piece of shit. Robbing this country, you have to be able to say it freely online so you can find other people who say it. So you can band together to resist because as an
Jewel, you can do nothing, you can only operate in groups so you can't lie. You can't tweet a lie and say Trudeau is a good president cause then you'll never find your kin. You never find the people who you can mobilize with was a billionaire. Can lie, a billionaire can stand up and go. Yeah, we're not going to raise taxes then just simply raise them. So the average man needs free speech is extremely important without Free Speech. There's no democracy because there's no power of the people without Free Speech, which is why Europe and Canada. All these places got rid of it just wreck everybody. They come at anybody who sticks their head up above the line, including
me. So I Europe came for me
to see Vance, he called out the UK p.m. Damn, I'm not a public, okay? Office meeting G
that it had to be done. I had to be done because it's absolutely insane. We you, we as America, we used to go to war with the Communists. And we used to people used to die young men on both sides used to die and our justification for these wars were there. They're Communists. They locked their people up for talking. That's what that was our reason to go to war and now we're calling the Europeans are allies after szalinski
It's a disrespects our president. And the next day Europe, put them on a little victory tour around Europe and holding a hat, shake his hand. Like he's a fucking hero. These are our friends. What would you do if your friend did that your girl cheats on you and all your friends? Go hang out with her and tell her she's the victim? Well they friends know that we'd even got we haven't even got European allies. Fuck the European European Union. We haven't even got European allies anymore so I think all of them can get toes. If all's Trump I'd be furious. You put solinsky in his place and then he gets fucking hyped up again by all.
These dip shits
over there. So you think it's going to all shift with Trump like allies. And I geopolitics America is a question Russia in the u.s. like closer together.
Now, there you go. Now, you have strong nationalistic patriarchy's. You have strong nationalistic patriarchy's, which is the USA and Russia. We have a lot more in common than we do with these Femme Centric, matriarchal garbage, woke shitholes in Europe. This is a truth. We have more in common with Russia than we do with England. Currently the average Russian man will understand the average American man just fine.
You won't understand, the average, Brit, who thinks it's wrong to tweet about the native, people getting raped and murdered because his unchecked migration. The average Brit was sit there and go, that's really system.
Just in case, you can't do too. Much free speech against Putin as well in Russia. Probably
right. Of course you can. Yeah,
no, you can't. You can no, you can't. Can ya know you can't,
but this is actually interesting. So let's Analyze This Free Speech. This is an interesting conversation because America believes as free speech, it doesn't, but every single country in the world has things. You cannot talk about.
Every single country in the world has off topics off-limit topics in Russia. Is Putin in the Middle, East is Islam in Turkey. It's erdogan. If you talk against them, you're going to get in a lot of trouble. Do you know what the American one is?
What speaking out against the Dems,
speaking out against the Jews? If you speak Alice to choose in America, going to get a lot of trouble. So every single country has their off-limit topics. There's no such thing as free speech anywhere, but that is different than having an ideological alignment. My point I was making between Russia and America. Is that
They are nationalistic patriarchy's truthfully in their homes, in their hearts, and in their governments, whereas Europe are none of those things. Europe are not even nationalistic your Europeans. Most of them believe that they should be replaced by Third rollers or that when they get killed by Third worlders. It's just part and parcel of living in a big city, no big deal, all-wheel. A bunch of people and they killed some of us. Oh, well
Diversity is our strength. We don't have anything in common with these people anymore. So, and even on top of all this, the fact they disrespect to Trump the way they did by parading szalinski around truth truthfully genuinely offended me,
I found that amazing. I don't
know what Trump's thinking, or worried what he's going to
do about it, but I guess he just cut all military aid, right?
Yeah. He's got all military aid to Ukraine, he also needs to call military aid and all financial aid to the European continent. All of them cuz they all betrayed him. Like I said, if you break up with your girlfriend because she cheated, she's in the wrong.
Any of your boys were texting. Her isn't a friend that's a snake you can't have people in your circle who are not 100% aligned anything less than 100%. Support is sabotage. If I had a friend who was 99% on my side, he wouldn't be my friend, you're 100% on my side and all things. Well, even if even, if I'm wrong, you're on my side, you're my
friend does Europe kind of have to support Ukraine because like Trump says, the US has a middle of an ocean in it so but Europe doesn't it's right there. So don't they kind of have to know what Ukraine will just cuz
It's going to be inching closer and closer. Oh,
inching closer and closer very interesting. We talked about inching closer and closer from the Putin Side.
Y know the I know they've been doing the same thing,
but doing the same thing, NATO has been expanding non-stop. That's all NATO done. We've gone up to Russia and started this fight. We've walked at Russia and started this fight, Russia has done nothing but be very calm, and very, they've gone to court, 12 times, trying to organize it, trying to solve in a very legal, very fair, very sensible way that restraint, and the patients that Putin has shown
Is truly remarkable. So Putin has no interest in
invade. The one part of the deal was Ukraine can never join
NATO, right? That's right. And I started talking about it, right? Who and has no interest in invading Europe
and everybody knows that that's just
scare mongering. Everyone is using this as a scaremongering tactic to extract money from their tax base. They're going to sit in France and say we need to steal all your money. Otherwise, Putin's going to come. That's a fucking lie and they know it's a lie. Putin wants to fix Ukraine. That's it. So
No, the Europeans do not have to support Ukraine. Do Europeans, do not have to support all of this endless mindless killing for a war that they can't
possibly win. It's crazy. Many people have died in that war to, it's not even being talked about. Well, like it's like, what, seven hundred thousand plus people Europe, I think people think of like the, the war in Iraq, like normal people in there like, that was a crazy War, but I searched that up. It's like 20,000 people in 20 years. This has been like, what three I know, man.
700,000, I know that's fucking insane, right? So this is
Another thing that makes me so angry, just tying back into things. We were saying earlier to move away from politics quickly is that 700,000 young men have lost their lives in a pointless War which everyone's going to forget once it's over that nothing even changes it literally truthfully a pointless War
and you're alive and you're watching this and you're not motivated to make anything of yourself. Isn't it kind of amazing like how hubristic and how stupid
Humanity can be?
Like if I hear the number seven hundred thousand, I don't just think of it as a statistic. I think of 700,000 individual faces, 700,000 parents 700,000, children 700,000 girlfriends, 700,000 Graves I think of how many people that actually is and I thank God. I'm not in that group and it makes me feel more motivated to live.
If than ever before the second you say seven hundred thousand, people have died on my I need to make more money. I had to train harder and be a better person. I had to go and spoil my children and to spoil my woman, I need to do more amazing things. I have to tell the truth. I need to even bigger platform. I need to. I feel motivated. I need to do good things, but there are people at home who will hear that number seven hundred thousand, it will go straight over their head, it won't motivate them and will invigorate them. They won't feel lucky, they won't feel grateful, they won't feel blessed, they won't feel anything, you know what they'll do. They'll sit down model for
Happy, they'll still feel sorry for themselves like the other main character of this fucking Universe. They'll still feel sorry for themselves knowing that people their own age. Got dragged out of a car thrown to the fucking front line and died in a ditch and you're still feeling sorry for yourself like the bitch left. You wake up. It's incredible. How lucky and how blessed? And how fortunate, every single person listening to this podcast is it's actually incredible. All of us. None of you have any struggles that come close to a Ukrainian trench, including me, even me with all my life.
Bullshit. You can put me in jail over Ukrainian trench any day of the week, any day of the week, no problem. But still people don't seem to understand it. Don't seem to get up off their ass, and motivate themselves to want to do something and be something and be better anymore. I don't know what's happened to spiritual dampening that has been applied to the masculine. Essence is why they get away with enslaving us all in the first place. They've come a long and made every man. A saw P week, emotional pussy, they've taken away the masculine fighting spirit before you conquer us.
Society remove its Warriors. They didn't have to kill us the Greeks and the Romans would walk into a town and kill all the military age. Males to make sure there was no Revolt. They didn't have to kill us, they took away our masculine Essence, they took away our Essence. So much to the point where of I tweet out. I have two girlfriends, a whole bunch of men. Full-grown men will sit there and go. Oh my God, that's terrible gays, that's terrible. You can't have sex with girls what the fuck. Making Tik toks with our fucking girlfriend like pussies. I'm crying their eyes out with you.
She cheats with me and when I tell you, get up and go and get rich, here's how you can do it. They don't want to join the school that don't want to make any money. They don't want to dedicate themselves. I don't want to try. I'd love to go Jim. I just need motivation. Motivation isn't real. I don't feel motivated. I just have to do it so I do it. Discipline is real, there's no such thing as motivation. You're never motivated at 4:00 in the fuckin morning, it's cold. You're the real pussy or not and we talked about 700,000 dead, man, and the sad thing is most of these men are probably braver, more motivated and more capable than the
Dip shits watching this fucking podcast sitting around on their ass chasing bitches on Instagram who are too good for them and they're going to sit there while all these fucking good. Men died telling me they're sad and not motivated and they don't know how to fucking achieve anything in their lives. Genuinely scumbag, if I could, someone comes up to me and goes all my motivate, I'm sad. I'm depressed, I look at them. Think you're a fucking scumbag, with a fucking talk about. Depressed, you're a fucking idiot. You're an idiot, of course, she left you, I hate you. I just met you. I don't fucking like you. There are people dying in a fucking ditch.
Bro, it's true. You're dying to fuck a dish. And what are you doing? You're sad about what you can't. You can't find the time to go to the gym. Why you haven't worked on anything? You haven't dedicate yourself to anything, why?
Paul just don't feel like it. We are a fucking your piece of shit. It's ungrateful to the universe. It's ungrateful to God himself to waste. What he gives you. You want to talk about how you end up lucky. And I would argue that I'm a very lucky person, you know, on a long enough time frame I can't think of a single time I've ever lost. It may look like I'm gonna lose but in the end, I always seem to win. You're not a quitter at all, bro. I'm not a quitter. I'm a fucking fighter. I will squirm to the last second. You may you may try and strangle me, I am
I'm fighting to the last second, think about this. I spent three years locked in my house in a questionable Judicial System under a full media Matrix attack and beat it. Who else can combat the mainstream media? The Romanian judicial system from their house with no money. All assets. Seized two weeks ago, I was locked in a room. Everyone said I was toast for criminal cases are going to 25 years in Eastern European, Gulag, bam. I'm in Miami. How do you do this? How does this happen? Yeah, it takes hard work. And also takes a degree of luck where
The lot come from comes from God. Woo. Does God Favored? What makes God like you? God likes you. When you try, there's nothing that's gonna piss God off more than wasting, what he fucking gives you. If you give someone a Ferrari and they look after it perfectly, you're happy. If you give someone a Ferrari to see it, the next day is got cigarette boxes. Treated like shit. Would you be happy? You gave my Ferrari, God gave you a Consciousness. He gave you a body, he gave you a mind and you're not even fucking using it. You're crying over that bitch. Who left you? You're not using it to be the best version of yourself.
Self, you're not using it to get as rich and Powerful as possible. You're not using it to change the world. You're not using it to protect those. You love. You're not using it for anything. And you expect God to make you lucky. God only has so much luck to give out. Wouldn't he give it to his soldiers who dedicate themselves and try? Wouldn't you think? You know what, that take motherfucker? He's been through something. And he will not quit, and he will not stop, and he's never said, he doesn't deserve it. He's never bitched, he's never mind. He's never felt sorry for himself. He's never complained. He got up every day.
A and worked. Let's give him some luck. What about this guy? Always crying always has a problem. Always feel sorry for himself. Always needs motivation. Never gets anything done. Everything's everyone else's fault. Does he deserve any of the lock I have in my pocket? The answers fucking know. You make your own luck by dedicating yourself to the universe? I said this before, I said it in a rain, dancing term, rain dancing. I said, if you need it to rain,
And your life. Depends on it, you should do a rain dance. No do rain dances make clouds come no. But perhaps by some strange twist of fate far in the distance. Another tribe will see you rain dancing and realize you need water and they'll think I he needs water and we need something he has and they'll bring you water if you didn't rain dance, and just sat there waiting for it to rain the water would have. Never come. There's no such thing as working too hard. You'd be amazed how have you just do work? If you just do work, how amazing things happen? I said,
The Tristan we were in jail. I said there is a certain number of push-ups. I will complete before I get out of this cell. I don't know how many it is, but the more push-ups I do. When the quicker I do own the quicker, I'll get out here. The Lord really yet the logic being that it doesn't matter. Let's make it simple math. I will do push-ups everyday and eventually I will be released and that would be the total number of push-ups. I had done that. Got me released from jail, that's what I believed. So I sent them for. Okay, there's a certain finite number of push-ups that I will complete.
I am in jail. So the faster I do push-ups, the more push-ups. I do the sooner, I'll be out that maybe a logic fails to most people, most people sit there and then I won't quite understand it. My mentality was, if I just do as many pushups as possible, I'll go out here quicker, even if I didn't get out any quicker, I wait, I used my time more effectively. I came out like a fucking monster, like a B-side. No gym. No gym equipment. Nothing. I've had thousands of push-ups a day every single day, and I kept my mind strong, so I came out without mental damage. So, I could do with the mainstream media storm
I truthfully understand why the banking cartels and why the hidden interests and Shadow groups have no respect for human life. Because I will tell you as a man who was poor. And I mean filthy poor complete broke 15 years ago. Now me as a successful man, when I see the average man not trying, I feel fucking distaste and I remember being broke. I was broke, not too long ago, imagine you're born into a banking Dynasty and all you've ever known as well,
Power and your father, all he's ever known as wealth and power. And then you see, the average man sitting around talking about being depressed and sad. You do you give a fuck about these people, you think they give a shit about locking you in your house during kovin or send you to die in a fucking ditch or inflating your currency or lying to you or stealing your money by a us Aid. You're nothing but fucking sheep to these people and I don't blame them because most you act like such fucking dipshit. You deserve exactly what you're getting you deserve. Exactly what, you're getting Canada, you deserve, Trudeau who's a fucking moron and you're letting him stay there.
And now Trudeau is going to go to a fucking prosecutor and tell him to raise charges on me for telling you the truth but I don't give a fuck. Because I'd rather live this way then live like you people and a fucking cloud of cowardice. I can't live that way. I feel dirty if I'm a coward. So I'm going to say exactly what I fucking think all of the time. And I want to do that to the day. I die, that'll be seven hundred thousand and one men dead. But at least my name will be remembered because this is the most important thing. We're all gonna fucking die.
And I One Way or Another, You the die is a number, or you die as a name, 700,000 men died. And I guarantee you, if you ask the ukrainians, with the Russians, who they are, they can name maybe 30 of them. The Commander's the special forces, the decorated Soldiers, the rest of them, nobody's, you can die as a name. That's remember George Washington's. A name, Napoleon's, a name, or you can dies a number A fucking statistic, but you're going to die. Anyway. So why are you so scared of 700,000?
Men have died, not war. Absolutely disgusting. Not only that it happened, but that the average American man will sit around his ass and achieve nothing knowing that they could have just been born in another place. The second that war started, Ukraine closed its borders to men. They weren't allowed to leave. You could have been born in another place and instead of sitting around crying over a bitch and jerking off the fucking porn hub. You begin your leg blown off in a fucking ditch and you're not even thankful to God for that enough to
try. That's the fucking Tate. I love right there, baby. This is great. I appreciate you coming on to take too much of your time but now our whole crew.
Has been supporting you. We appreciate you to support to. This is your third time on, so I think nothing but the best for you is going to come, bro. I really believe that and I think this is just a chapter like I told you the other night and I think you're going to fucking beat it all and you're going to be on top. I hope so everybody
and let's make sure we blow things up. That
was a promise, do it. Well shit up UFC Vegas, power slap. Let's do it. Like there and your Tate